South Africa itself is a democratic country whose claimed freedom from oppressive white rule had been attained some several years ago;in fact; more than a decade  to be exact.Under such so called new era of political independence a lot has happened;and most of things that came to characterize the arrival of this new political and historical era came as a real surprise for most of those who had never had that experience of political independence before;unsurprisingly though;now that before the arrival of those new historical and political times life was different from what it eventually  came out to be.As a perfect example under the then Republic of South Africa black people had to carry their identity documents every time they moved around from one place to another;or prohibited from certain preserved places and even disallowed from participation in any political activities; a real life of suppression in other descriptive terms.

It was not amazing then that most of those  who lived in those suppressive times felt relieved at the advent of this new political and historical period since that new era would mean acquisition  of previously  denied rights and political privileges.In fact;the image of one black person walking the streets of a particular settlement carrying documents of personal identification  was going to be a thing of the past under that new political era;much as the possibility of mingling freely with everyone no matter what racial classification without having to be afraid of any possible arrest;great historical and political era indeed;no wonder great jubilation and rapture on the part of those who lived under those periods  of extreme suppression.

Fast forward  into current times what is  being seen and experienced is what has come to contradict the real meaning of that political independence  and freedom from extreme suppression;the local townships of South Africa  are a perfect example.Here;lawlessness is at the center of every criminality that can be thought of ;drug addicts have found a perfect haven here where to freely destroy their lives with such  destructive substances unabated and being free from arrest;great terror is with those families that are victims of such criminal acts of local terrorism executed by such drug addicts when driven by the influence of addiction.Stealing;housebreaking;robbing and sabotaging of property alongside vandalism is what these wicked addicts are best at;one may even wonder  what had happened to law and order as all these acts of criminality are mostly committed in a broad day light by these same filthy-looking and unhygienic-looking addicts that do get on with all these evil acts freely.Drug lords are making a big profit here since these same addicts are their best clients that can not let a day go by without  any round of drugs.Mental disturbance is the enemy of those concerned responsible parents whose school-going children are exposed to this danger that may at times steal them away;and great pity is for those child-headed families as they  do mostly become the main targets of these prowling drug lords.Above all these;great sympathy  is surely  for those local citizens that are serious about their lives and are deeply concerned and disturbed  by  these harrowing and unwelcome realities as they  do unfold in their watch.

Sadly;even some cities of South Africa  are not immune to this kind of pandemic as they  are also affected by sheer drug addiction where drug lords are doing what they  are out and about for with ultimate independence and immunity.

How best then can this kind of situation be described?Independence to be lawless and cruel against one another or independence from decent and responsible living and freedom to commit crime?



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