It is not a secret that the world of today is under the control and influence of material wealth and anything associated with it;but if this kind of reality can be traced down to its origins it can be found that it is a legendary matter of its own proportions,in fact;there is nowhere in historical matters that the main cause of scuffles and wrestling alongside strives among nations and races of the universe never revolved around the wealth of the earth itself;and it does not matter what nature and form of that particular wealth.Well;it is just a material world this where all these things do take place;and therefore;no need for one to keep wondering at all.
Honestly speaking;there is nothing untoward associated with the possession of this same material wealth;not at all;it is just a matter of how that possession materialized rather that is of ultimate importance;whether one has worked very hard on their own to end up in possession of that particular wealth;or even robbed someone else of their wealth somewhere else;or killed somebody else somewhere else so as to end up owning what they had not worked for before;or better still;conned the unsuspecting victim through fraudulent tactics and tricks so as to end up owning what never belonged to them before;that method of subsequent acquisition of that wealth will always be of great importance so to speak and that is how this life goes.
As we get on with our daily lives as living and physical human beings controlled by material things we do find ourselves at times tempted by the seductive nature of material wealth to commit any particular deed we can so as to end up having what we never had before,it is true that sometimes some of us do find it better to kill one another only when moved by the intensive drive of jealousy so as to come and have that source of jealousy snatched from the ownership of the rightful and justifiable owner,sometimes we do even find it better to work hard on our own so as to have our burning desires freed of the ravishing envy down there effected by the tempting nature and glory of all these material things,in other times we do even find it good and acceptable to steal from someone else rather than working on our own even though we might not accept that kind of robbery and fraud were it to be committed against us;this is nothing worthy of any surprise given our weakness as physical beings beholden to the negative impulse of evilness and excess.
It is true and an undeniable fact that everyone of us as a living human being is in pursuit of all these material things given the natural powers given to them to control the worldly envy and desires of us as material beings;no wonder then that it is equally important for us as human beings to carefully watch our steps in our quest for proper methods with which to claim our justifiable ownership of all these envious material things;now that there is no any existing alternative for us to escape the power already given to these material things that sees them wreaking havoc in our lives given our weakness as physical creatures.
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