The behaviors and habits of the future generation will always depend on the nature of basic advice and guidance provided for by traditional elders of that particular generation;and it can  only be through  miraculous  magic and magical luck that some components of that particular generation do choose to defy the nature of that particular advice and guidance traditionally provided for.

As the traditional elders of the  young generation we as parents do find ourselves at times bound to sit down our future stars;and feed them with all manner of advice and recommendations as part of our attempt to fulfill our parental responsibilities of grooming the future of these beloved stars.Great part of it will always be on the nature of advice and guidance provided for;much the same as the level of reception of that advice provided for and the determination to heed and obey it on the part of those unto whom that particular advice and guidance is aimed at and directed to.

This is where the crucial part of social living lies;for out of the advice and guidance provided for the shape of the society will be formed and its direction determined;much as it is in the case of the level of that reception.Therefore;it is clear that in most cases what one tell and teach their child to do is what that particular child will possibly become;either instantly or in the long run;whereas it is a total impossibility for a child to commit something never copied from  someone else;either at home or somewhere else.And as the consequence of that particular deed will always be awaiting on a standby great will be the day of its arrival.

Unfortunately;most of us as the leading traditional elders of society in the form of parents do tend to feed our children misleading advice and improper guidance that end up frustrating and confusing us as the eventual consequence of the negativity of that particular advice tend to present itself before us and thus do get our surroundings affected in one way or the other.We would;as part of our attempt to avoid that sense of guilt in ourselves;tend to look for someone to be blamed for the advent of that particular consequence of negativity while we are those responsible for that form and direction of the society we had groomed and carved.

It is really saddening and completely worrisome to know that some of us as leading elders of society do tend to encourage our beloved stars to commit things to others that we would not accept were they  to be done to us;and when the negative outcome of that particular wrongful deed befall our children we would then pretend there is nothing wrong untoward to have ever been stoked of us.And as the saying goes on that charity starts at home;there is no betterment that will befall our future  society in the face of our wrongful advice and guidance we do incessantly feed our beloved stars;unless by miraculous  magic and magical luck.


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