Life is a reality that comes with endless conditions and restrictions that are indiscriminate of any living organism.None of us as living beings is free from such  binding laws and restrictions of this good life no matter how arrogant we may proudly consider ourselves special and therefore free from such crucial fundamentals.It does not matter on one side how well off or powerful one may be;whether one is a millionaire beast with all manner of luxurious matter surrounding them consistently;or a leading political figure with all worldly powers to issue endless injunctions now and then while warning those who are being recalcitrant;such  fundamental laws of life will still remain binding to them all.

None of us as living beings will be observed as being compliant with all those recommendations of the fundamental laws of life through our words of mouth only;no; not at all;but with our corresponding actions also;for truly speaking there is nothing more in life that can help measure and understand the devotion of one towards the contents of their heart and mind than their actions;and in those actions everything about that particular person shall be known in relation to what person are they and what are they representing in this good life in terms of ideological and philosophical beliefs.

Therefore;whether one is a poor or rich black man with those cultural and tribal attitudes;or just an ordinary white man with that seeming untouchable look and racial attitudes;from their actions what they are representing ideologically and philosophically shall be known and observed;that has always been the dynamics of this good life and no creature can in any way whatsoever beat that standing power of this life unless through pretentious and deceptive tactics;but no matter what deception and tricky attempts the truth will always lie in the final commitment of one.

Life itself is a deep phenomenon filled with serious complications and seeming insurmountable difficulties alongside inflexible laws and restrictions;but great lies in the fact that to each and every difficulty a way out will  always be there;much as it is that to every relentless but natural fundamental law and restriction there is a dominant and standing reason.Such is a reason whose standing power and effective dominance will in no way go unfulfilled;and even though its power and influence might seem less effective and meaningless to the most ignorant and denial when that time has eventually come for all its full force to be proven effective and irresistible nothing in life will be capable of stopping that sudden but powerful eruption and outburst.

It can not be denied however that it is just about everyone who is different in terms of how this life is seen and understood;the reason why everyone will always have their own way in dealing with matters and challenges of this good life every time they do show themselves up;but no matter what distinctiveness the power of the fundamental laws of this good life will always stand predominant and compulsory whether one likes it or not;the reason why we as  living beings will always have to submit ourselves to the compulsions of such fundamental laws every time they do call us into submission;and it does not matter whether one is rich or poor;black or white;tribal or culturally neutral;all of us are bound thereby.  


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