CALLED INTO COMPLIANCE. When bound to offer a sacrifice. Life itself, as an amazing reality as it is, is filled with temptations that would try one's own desires and wishes, torment their heart and mind as they do toss them around, thus making them become envious of this one achievement while undermining whatever endowment this life has found them worthy of in the first place. Complaining attitudes would also be troubling them as they realize how impossible some of their wishes are and how difficult it is for their dreams to become realistic, life would be having its own way of letting things happen and therefore, no matter what prevailing wish of one existing living organism, still things would proceed according to the natural order of this life and based on a certain inflexible reason. There the things of their dreams and wishes would have filled their hearts and minds, haunting them from time to time as they ensure them that mental restlessness, challenging them to prove themsel...