When life had decided to teach us a lesson. 

It is a matter of fact that after this same life had brought the physical universe into existence, in terms of the grounds thereof down below and the everlasting deeper skies above there, then the time for this life to bring the moving subjects into activeness arrived, and for that matter, the physical structure itself, complete with the necessary resources it would need to traverse the experience called life, was then given that right to emerge in this same life. This is an emergence that was not without any purpose at all, nor without any responsibility to fulfil, not at all, more of that to deal with instead, a real burden frankly speaking, and an ultimate task to tackle this far. Man!! 
This is the structure that was formed by this life to come and observe all the glories that this life itself is capable of, the structure created to become a minder of the same physical universe unto which it had been cast into existence, and the structure that had been cast into this same life to come and practically demonstrate its submission to and reverence for this same reality called life as far as the compulsions and necessities recommended by this same life on its own are concerned, without  even having to be contemptuous nor quarrelsome, just humble, obedient and then respectful honestly speaking. But then, in the face of all these things of formation and movement, things of physical structures with the given capacity to walk and make sounds, the main minder themselves were formed, in this case, the human being. This is the structure which within its direction of activeness the future of the physical universe itself would be determined, the structure whose performances would serve as a giant mirror to reflect the contents of its own interiors, now that within such a given capacity to perform this one activity or another lies the power to decide the final consequences, and now that in those activities lies  the power to determine their personal identity. And then there it was the physical universe eventually, having been rendered desolate, polluted and wicked, the activeness of the physical structure itself was the main cause of all such things of abnormality, but then the main perpetrator remained the impulse that was driving them through it all, and for all these things it was up to this same life on its own to see how it deals with this kind of a reality and what to make out of it, even as things still remain the is up to it and what can the physical structure itself do? Such is a final decision to be undertaken by this same life on its own, with all the necessary actions being taken by this same life and then directed to the one responsible for the existing abnormality, so that after all has been fulfilled nothing can come and complain that this same life is being unfair, rather do so only when being reluctant to accept that the activities of the physical structure itself has been liable for all these final decisions to have ever been
undertaken by this life on its own, now  that to each and every decision undertaken by this same life a certain powerful reason is inherently existent down there.



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