When qualified and disqualified by life.

The challenges of life itself can be frustrating and troublesome at times, they can make the sufferer become more confused and not knowing what to do at times, push their lives beyond the limits and cause them to become hopeless and pessimistic. As such challenges are making their own presence felt, temptations themselves would not be sitting there with their hands folded like that without making any contribution to the situation, not at all, rather making sure that they do take good advantage of the existing opportunity, at least to their own advantage. And then they would approach their main prospective target, shake their life on to this one side and to that side, only so as a mean through which to make their intended target's life a nightmare, with bitterness tending to favour them as it sweeps into the life of the very same victim, thus ensuring them a life of confusion and frustration.
 The toughness of life is surely so deep!!

The recommendations through which to obtain victory against the dynamics of such a ravaging situation would not be confiscated nor forfeited, not at all, now that life itself would have long put them in place, only so as a mean through which to demonstrate the deepness of gracious mercy it  is  capable of, now that in the face of all those things the victim themselves would have been crying big time for the preservation of that mercy in their favor, thence the provision of such recommendations, life would have long known all about what lies there ahead, thence the amazing but gracious orientation thereof. These are the recommendations that would have been put in place not without the existence of the final consequences there ahead, now that in this same life there is nothing that happens in the absence  of a certain dominant reason, and as the course of this same life keeps turning this way and that way, then it would also be this same mighty reason doing the same as it keeps on monitoring the dynamics of the prevailing situation, so that after that understanding about the situation itself has been obtained, then a certain appropriate eventuality could be let loose, and it will depend what the orientation of the situation has been prior to the handing  down of that final moment. The destroyer themselves would have been standing impatiently right there at the end of everything, awaiting the moment in this life wherein things might seem favorable to them, so that it could then take turns utilizing the moment to its own advantage, destroying where it could and trying hard where the impossibility seems imminent, time would have come in this life for them to fulfil their part and like they had been awaiting impatiently for the arrival of their victim right there, then await for the reward they deserve this time around, life could not let them goes on like that unattended to. The victim of the situation themselves would find no any existing choice beside the one of having to face the challenges and troubles as this same life does present them, with this same life on the other hand tending to call and guide them into a life of conquest and victory against the ravaging circumstances, not without the issuing of limitations and restrictions to consider prior to the attainment of the promised conquest and victory, and in the absence of compliance with the issued recommendations nothing  of a victory could then be attained, rather the worst in their entirety, and it will depend how the victim themselves does utilize the given opportunity and right in this life, whether they choose to defy those recommendations or submit themselves thereto.
 It will just depend.



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