When this life does its magic.

Life itself is a complicated reality that is filled with challenges and everlasting problems and troubles. Obstacles and temptations are also another feature of this same reality, they are always there among the subjects of this same life, troubling them endlessly. Compassion, goodness and mercy are also another components of this same life, and had it not been for their coexistence with this life and their presence therein, this same life would have become a real scene of traumatic experiences where victory against them could not be attained, but now greatness lies in the fact that even the powers of these same components are existent in the face of all these harrowing experiences. As it does proceed on this same life, it would then let flow any of those things of its own capacity, its natural realities, no matter what the nature of each individual experience, it would then bring in this one at this time while confiscating the other in another time, destroying this one reality here and then resuscitate it over there. These realities would be let flow like that by this same life only as  a way through which to demonstrate the powers that it does possess in its own might, so that those experimenting with this one reality in the absence of another  one might come and bear testimony of things that has been there, lest those who were not present when all those experiences were being let flow by this same life on its own fail acquiring that comprehensive knowledge and understanding about things that were there before them. The failure of the less experienced to attain that relevant knowledge and understanding about the situation wherein they find themselves would then give this reality called life a bad name, now that as that confusion, consolidated within their minds because of the lack of that knowledge and understanding, keeps growing on and on, then the sufferer themselves would end up calling this same life names of blasphemy, all these as desperation keeps them frustrated and with no any constructive determination. The anger of life itself would then be provoked by such blasphemous attitudes of the sufferer themselves, for as long as they tend to show contempt towards this same life through their negative behaviors, then this same life would then take turns sending harrowing experiences to the very same sufferer, only so as a mean through  which to teach them a serious lesson in this life, so that out  of such lessons they might then start realizing how far beyond they have gone in this life through their condemned activities, hence the punishing powers of this same good life. It would be working its own miracles by then this same life, dazzling this one generation of sufferers here and then consoling another one over there, it will depend on what is it that each group of sufferers has so far done that this same life found them worthy of that eventual reality.



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