When our physical power is beholden to the strength of the heart.

The heart itself, second of the mind or equally powerful thereto, is the dominant center of the physical life itself and the provider of everything as far as this same physical life itself is concerned. Without it the physical life itself is nonexistent and completely doomed, and in the doom of the very same physical life itself powers of life cannot be observed nor witnessed, now that for anything to be realistic and declared or proven as such that matter will have to be active and practical firstly, then it can be justified as being present, realistic and then fully functional. It is the seed of this same physical life itself, and in its absence the mind itself would not be having anything to call its best companion in this life of visibility and tangibility, rather existing in solitude without any available confidant. The physical structure itself would then be rendered hollow, useless, and void of any available responsibility to fulfil. The conflicting impulses of life themselves would still be waging their eternal conflict among themselves, and given the prevailing state of affairs a certain class of such impulses would be getting the favor it has always been waiting for whereas the other class, its closest rival, exists in a life of betrayal and total embarrassment, now that as this one class thereof is given the opportunity to explore with the physical life itself, understanding would then come to its own senses that the physical structure itself is beholden to this same impulse, much to the disappointment of the other class thereof. This is the kind of embarrassment that would have been the result of the given understanding about the performance of the physical structure itself, its weaknesses so to speak honestly, for as another class of the embarrassed impulse is given that opportunity to explore with the physical universe itself and the activities of the minder thereof, then that understanding would be grasped about how reckless is this same minder, and how mentally weak they are, even the softness of their own hearts, now that the mental contents thereof would have clearly been a product of another adverse opponent, same applies to the desires of their own hearts, now that that wicked impulse would have found a resting place within the heart of the same physical minder. It would have been there at the center of all these things the physical structure itself, given the life to live and above all, having been given both the heart and mind as the tools through which to observe the continuity of the very same physical life itself, and within these same crucial tools the hovering impulses would have already found a significant commodity or two through which to advance their own interests, rendering this same physical structure powerless and weak unless powerful and strong through the strength of one different impulse. The physical universe itself would also be existent amid all these, being a scene of every activity undertaken, this is a trophy of life itself, for out of its own existence the realness of this life could be proven. This is a place of tangibility and visibility, a place of actions and fulfillment, and every consequence that is being send to this same place by life itself is a result of every activity undertaken by any existing physical structure, much as it is that that activity would have been a result of the power of a certain impulse that has since found a resting place within the heart and mind of that physical structure.



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