
Showing posts from July, 2022


DYNAMICS OF THE PHYSICAL LIFE. When what is not there is present. The physical life that we are all living as natural creatures is amazing, now that it is having its own way of making things happen. It can drive us all to certain unexpected heights, turn things that were not believed in into a tangible reality, only so as a mean through which to prove to us all the intensity of its own willpower, and only so as to show us all how far we are beholden to it and how impossible it is for us all to be what we are in the absence of this same amazing life. What creature was there when this same life began, who can tell the truth about how things were before becoming what they are right now, without even having to stumble in the middle of their narration as they reveal all to be known? Nothing can do that, let alone this same life on its own, now that the power to bless and curse lies within its own might, same applies to its capacity to give and take, now that it can just give away this endow...


LOST AND FOUND. When recovering the lost power. The multiple challenges of life itself can be frustrating at times given the complicated nature with which this same life does present them. Such is frustration with a degree and magnitude of influence and power enough to subdue the prospective victim thereof, now that through their complicated nature in which this same life would have presented them it might seem as if there is no any available way out of the network thereof, rather just a deeper quagmire with no beginning nor end, at least in the eyes of the victim thereof. As such complications and frustrations keeps mounting on, with the sufferer thereof waxing desperate and hopeless as a result, given the intensity of the powers of such challenges, still a way out would always be available and present around, albeit in a manner quite quirky and tricky, thus compelling the one in a searching mission to be determined and prepared in their own lives so as to get what they want and where...


POWER OF KNOWLEDGE. When life has decided to let all loose. Knowledge itself is the center of life, the power through which to know and understand what to do and say, the power through which to know who to trust and discredit, and the power through which to recognize the just and the liar. It is the power without which this same natural life is meaningless and without proper direction, and for that matter, it is a crucial aspect through which to attain responsible living. It is a natural aspect of this natural life itself; mother nature had decided to integrate it into this life, now that in its absence the natural organisms themselves would not know who and what they are, neither to understand anything about what should be done or not in this natural life. But, despite the natural graciousness and standing powers that comes with the reality that knowledge itself is, it is not a simple thing to discover it, rather a sheer challenge requiring ultimate effort  to deal with, now that ...


GIVEN PHYSICAL LIFE. When life cast us into the physical universe. When this life chose in the first  place to have itself given to us as the physical creatures, there was no any instant skill that was integrated into that formation, we were rather created and formed as innocent beasts with no knowledge and understanding about anything, neither were we formed with anything in our hands to call ours, rather naked, innocently foolish and doomed to a life of lessons and challenges. They were there in the future such challenges and lessons, awaiting us to come and explore with them, with each of them being different from the other, a source of escapement was not formed in the first place when we were cast into existence, and therefore, we had to face them individually, deal with them and await the consequences. Alternatives through which to properly deal with the very same challenges and hardships as being presented by this same life were never forgotten nor overlooked at all ,no, they...


ARRIVAL OF NEW LIFE. When certain things are given up for others. It is said that change is pain, and that is the  factual truth given the nature in which this life was programmed in the first place, now that for one thing to come the current one will have to pass, much as it is that for the current thing to pass the new one will have to come first, and there is nothing we as the natural creatures can do besides our observance of this same amazing progression, for even though we might feel somehow annoyed by this same natural fact, life itself will still keep churning things its own way, liking it or not. As this same good life keeps facilitating all its own missions according to how things should be, certain times that are different from the previous ones will always come to materialize, and as they are happening like that certain opportunities would then be spotted by other members of the physical universe and straightaway suffer from that urge in them to help utilize such g...


DESIRES OF OUR HEARTS AND MINDS. When the universe is what it is because of our actions. When this life created us in the first place, and our physical structures were formed, we were not deprived of the capacity to be decisive  and desirous,and for that matter of desires and wishes certain components through which such desires had to reach the physical structure itself had to be integrated into the creation of the very same physical structure,and for this cause,the heart and mind were found to be appropriate. These were formed in this manner so as to be the center of the physical life itself,the center through which the physical structure itself is to attain knowledge and understanding about the very same life itself which is the facilitator of everything alive. As natural as it has always been the case,certain regulations and restrictions through which to govern these two components forming the center of physical life itself were not excluded as the formation of the two proceeded...


GETTING WHAT IS OURS. When what we get is what we had worked for. I t is said that what goes around will always comes around,that what goes up will end up down on the ground,and others don't mind having to observe that charity starts at one's own home and then extend to the surroundings about.Well,that is how this life goes,and we the living organisms, as the receivers of this same life,are bound to have our own  beliefs and perspectives concerning how this same life should be. But,no matter  what beliefs and personal perspectives of our own,this life will always have its own way of dealing with matters that comes around,it will just depend which day has so far been prioritized above the other, and as such,what that day comes around with will eventually be observed. The realities and things that this life tends to throw unto us as the physical creatures will always be dependent on the nature of the things that we have already done,for as long as we are able to perform one acti...


  IRREVERSIBLE LIFE. When what is done can never be undone.  The life we are living is full of challenges and stumbling blocks,there is more to learn in this life like there is more to discover and understand. The things that we are currently doing will be with us for the rest of our lives,and even though we might seek some other different means of performance through which to try and wash away all about who and what we are,still the things of our past will remain famous with us,we cannot escape them,rather be held hostage permanently by them whether we might be appreciating it or not. The direction of future  events will always be determined by such things as to which we might currently be conducting, and even though we might feel embarrassed and turned off afterwards,the possibility of our success in reversing what might have already been contracted as a result will always remain a floating wish,now that in this life what has already been sought after through one activi...


  STANDING SIMILARITIES. When we are what has already been. The life we are living is full of similarities and differences, much as it is in case of difficulties and successes. It is a life that is completely unstable and difficult to predict, now that what it is here this today with us might be missing for some time in the future and what is highly expected this same day may never come into realization the other day. It is just how it is this natural life and how we the natural creatures has been programmed and destined for, and since certain capacities and powers has not been assured us in the first place, then ours is nothing beside concession as far as our natural position in this life is concerned. Capacities and powers that has never been preserved for us in the first  place will never come down to us in any way whatsoever, unless this same life decides further on on its own that such things that were not with us in certain times here  come to be with us this time...