When we are what has already been.

The life we are living is full of similarities and differences, much as it is in case of difficulties and successes. It is a life that is completely unstable and difficult to predict, now that what it is here this today with us might be missing for some time in the future and what is highly expected this same day may never come into realization the other day. It is just how it is this natural life and how we the natural creatures has been programmed and destined for, and since certain capacities and powers has not been assured us in the first place, then ours is nothing beside concession as far as our natural position in this life is concerned. Capacities and powers that has never been preserved for us in the first  place will never come down to us in any way whatsoever, unless this same life decides further on on its own that such things that were not with us in certain times here  come to be with us this time  around. And even though we might forcefully try to grab what has not been preserved for us in the first place, that natural right to possess that forceful endowment shall not be with us, and further steps might be taken on our side as natural creatures only as a mean through which to proliferate the anger of life against us, and then what we might have been contracting through such extended efforts of ours will eventually come  to be with us, now that this life would  have found us worthy of that kind of benefit and gift. The things that we are currently doing will always be in line with those things that has always been done by those who lived before us, now that the powers that would have influenced them to behave in that manner will always be present in this natural life, for as long as the impulses that are behind such an influence and powers are active, then there is no way that the extent of their efforts might not be realized and observed, and as long as those that used to do what we are currently doing deserved a certain natural benefit, so even we all are standing to get the same thing, unless we do try to avoid it by simply exploring with some other different measures existent in this natural life, then, what we are this time around shall not be what they themselves had been any more, neither can what they themselves had been become the part and parcel of our current lives. The impulses that do influence everything that is taking place will always play their part in this life, for since they had been given that right in the first place to rule and dominate, then the subjects beholden to them and above which they had been given that natural power to dominate will always act in accordance with the powers wielded by each individual impulse, and unless each individual subject seek the services of one different impulse, then, the spell of the dominant impulse will always have them held tight onto the grounds down below, and for as long as the influence of each individual impulse do come across a certain final benefit and consequence, then the captive thereof will always be a beneficiary of that assured benefit and consequence, and they shall live with it same as it would be living with them for as long as the duration of their services has not yet expired, then after the expiration thereof freedom shall come to them to decide, whether they do extend the period of their services to that impulse or they do dump and reject it for another one, but no matter what choice, a final benefit and consequence will always be in availability there at the end of everything.



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