When recovering the lost power.

The multiple challenges of life itself can be frustrating at times given the complicated nature with which this same life does present them. Such is frustration with a degree and magnitude of influence and power enough to subdue the prospective victim thereof, now that through their complicated nature in which this same life would have presented them it might seem as if there is no any available way out of the network thereof, rather just a deeper quagmire with no beginning nor end, at least in the eyes of the victim thereof. As such complications and frustrations keeps mounting on, with the sufferer thereof waxing desperate and hopeless as a result, given the intensity of the powers of such challenges, still a way out would always be available and present around, albeit in a manner quite quirky and tricky, thus compelling the one in a searching mission to be determined and prepared in their own lives so as to get what they want and where they would be wanting to find themselves in in their future life. The determination of one would then serve as a guiding light towards where redemption and victory are, even though active temptations would be operational about in their own quest to turn this precious life into a nightmare. And after the influence of that determination has so far yielded progress in the life of the sufferer themselves, and with them having suffered from the urge to cooperate with the dynamics of the very same determination rather than opposing them, then the final destination to where their initial efforts has been taking them would start emerging, and then it is there where they shall see all about what they had been up to for the rest of their own lives. The operational temptations would have visited the suffer in the first place, this life would have sent them to the same sufferer, and given the opportunity given to them by this life to help visit any prospective target, with them on the other hand taking good advantage of the given opportunity, then, they would have made their presence felt in the life of the intended target, shook their life like that while making sure that it is turned into a nightmare. Then the determination to search for that victory against all those things would see them through it all, at least for as long as their cooperative efforts keeps advancing on and on, and when the life which they were being taken to through that nature of preparation start showing, then temptations would have long been put under conquest and trodden down under their feet, and then happiness and joy shall be with them, much as equal as to the amount of thanksgivings they would be extending to this same amazing life, now that the things that seemed impossible and missing before would have long been resuscitated and retained, the glory of life would have remembered them, no wonder then that their intense thanksgivings, same applies to the conquered temptations and troubles.



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