When the universe is what it is because of our actions.
When this life created us in the first place, and our physical structures were formed, we were not deprived of the capacity to be decisive and desirous,and for that matter of desires and wishes certain components through which such desires had to reach the physical structure itself had to be integrated into the creation of the very same physical structure,and for this cause,the heart and mind were found to be appropriate. These were formed in this manner so as to be the center of the physical life itself,the center through which the physical structure itself is to attain knowledge and understanding about the very same life itself which is the facilitator of everything alive. As natural as it has always been the case,certain regulations and restrictions through which to govern these two components forming the center of physical life itself were not excluded as the formation of the two proceeded,not at all, they were also integrated into that formation rather,lest the physical structure itself leads a certain lifestyle that is void of discipline and order, and thus render the physical universe completely desolate and polluted. These are the regulations whose effect dominates the physical life itself,now that their powers and strength emanates from the powers of the mighty reason around which the physical life itself rotates,and for that matter every physical creature is affected. This is the reason without which the physical life itself is meaningless and void of proper direction,and it is because of it that this same physical structure was found worthy of certain endowments,much as it is that certain regulations to govern the physical universe were found necessary,only for the assurance and consolidation of a certain logical and rational order.
As a result of the very same logical and rational order, and because of the effects of the very same mighty reason alongside those regulations and restrictions governing the physical universe itself, certain consequences are to be ensured through every activity undertaken by this same physical structure itself. These are the consequences that are always based on the nature of desires and wishes generated from within the main components of the physical structure itself. They are having that capacity to affect the physical universe one way or the other,and it will always depend what the nature of the initial activity has been,much as it is to the nature of the desire and wish upon which that initial activity would have been based,but no matter what the nature thereof,this same life on its own,the facilitator of everything,will have its own way of letting what is appropriate to flow and unfold,even if the physical structure itself might not appreciate what it would be getting or not,and greatness shall be in the final day when all what is due is let loose naturally.
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