When what we get is what we had worked for.
It is said that what goes around will always comes around,that what goes up will end up down on the ground,and others don't mind having to observe that charity starts at one's own home and then extend to the surroundings about.Well,that is how this life goes,and we the living organisms, as the receivers of this same life,are bound to have our own beliefs and perspectives concerning how this same life should be. But,no matter what beliefs and personal perspectives of our own,this life will always have its own way of dealing with matters that comes around,it will just depend which day has so far been prioritized above the other, and as such,what that day comes around with will eventually be observed. The realities and things that this life tends to throw unto us as the physical creatures will always be dependent on the nature of the things that we have already done,for as long as we are able to perform one activity after the other,then,a certain consequence will remain standing there ahead awaiting our arrival,and after we had been taken into that future by this same life on its own,then all things that has been preserved for us would be let loose,now that in this life everything that takes place is having a certain foundational reason whereupon it is based,lest the progression of this same life proceeds in an erroneous and erratic manner.
Since the secondary right has been naturally preserved for us as a privilege with which to carve and groom our secondary frames, then the nature of our physical identity will always be a result of the manner with which we might have behaved and presented ourselves in this amazing good life,now that it is impossible for us to receive something that we may have not worked hard for, and now that in this life what is being given is what would have been contracted through the performance of a certain activity. What we have been found to be deserving will not change into another different form,unless we are being given that distinctive courage to perform another unusual activity in our lives,and only by then can that difference in our lives be assured. The amount and level of activities committed will always be a benchmark and yardstick for this life with which to make an assessment as far as the benefits and consequences which we as the main actors do deserve,and out of the final inferences which would have been arrived at second of the initial assessment,then the result of things that had been carried out of us from time to time will start showing up, and it will depend what the nature of such activities had always been,whether they were conducive to things of our satisfaction or contradictory to things of happiness and joy,but no matter what the nature of all such benefits and consequences,we still will find ourselves being compelled to concede to all the things that this same life would have found us worthy of,now that even if we can choose to complain and quarrel against the prevailing status quo,still this same life will have things going its own way,and that is how this life do proceed. And after all things that would have been given, we would then receive that natural knowledge and understanding about who and what we are, and even if we may choose to rather deny and ignore our acquired personal identity,the identity that would have long been worked hard for through our daily commitments,still the power of the natural truth about us will stand predominant,that we are what we are because of what we had done in the first place,much as it is that the same natural truth will maintain that we are suffering from our current problems because of the initial lifestyles we had chosen to entertain in the beginning,and for that matter life itself would start throwing all that we may naturally deserve down to us,liking it or not.
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