
Showing posts from June, 2021


  Enemy to humanity. Life is a reality that has been consistent and continuous from time to time for every creature to celebrate and cherish;nobody or nothing in this life knows when this same life was created or how and by whom;let alone assumptions and sometimes unproven beliefs about the source behind life itself.From long time ago stories were being fabricated about the creator of life itself;with some people establishing their cults and religions based on a particular set of principles about who the creator of the same life they are living is while on the other hand engraving some structures of their assumed creator of life or subjugating themselves to a particular living animal as their creator;or idolizing a particular living individual as their creator.Some had also been digging the grounds of the earth or going into the depths of deep waters or skies above as part of their attempts to discover the unknown. However;despite all these attempts by humanity none of them had fou...


  Life achievements. Now;life is an amazing reality filled with desires and wishes of us the people no matter who and what each of us may be.And it can not be denied that it is just about everybody who is determined to have their way and eventually achieve those goals of their desires and wishes.Whether one is a family man with a burden of parental responsibilities on their back;a lone lady in pursuit of a truly loving partner or just a single bachelor determined to reach for its life goals;that drive to reach for that subsequent success will always be there. However;such goals and targets based on one's own desires and dreams are not to be achieved without too much of hard work and determination;they can never ever be achieved in the absence of that hard work surely.Here one will have to be prepared to sacrifice themselves and devote their focus on the success of their own missions;only if one is surely determined to realize that success. That mission can mean the inclusion of any...


  The right to life! It cannot be argued in this good life that every creature is naturally blessed with that right to life no matter what creature that may be;whether is a flying bird in the sky above;a swimming fish in deep waters or just a domesticated and tamed pet mingling freely with the people;that right they do have!This is the right that do also apply to humans;the very same source of all these troubles;no matter what race;color;class or socioeconomic status.I mean;it does not matter whether one is black or white or how well-off or disadvantaged one may be;that entitlement to life was preserved for them the very same time they were delivered into this life of visibility away from life of the invisible. However;this is the right that does not come without limits and restrictions no matter who and what one is;whether one is a parent;a child or a simple friend living in a friendly neighborhood around;that limit and restriction is binding them to its compulsions liking it or n...


UNPREDICTABLE LIFE.   Most recently;I have been talking and making arguments with my young uncle about the current state of affairs while making comparisons between previous times and modern ones; in relation to how we as old school personalities differ from these modern day characters.Mind you that my uncle is of my age;I mean his older brother has since passed away;he used to be our pillar of strength before passing in relation to provision of proper and informational guidance;man;he used to act as a fatherly figure to me and his younger brother;we really missed him a lot!! Back to my young uncle's case;back then at school we were mistakenly called twins by the less informed given our tendency to always be together;sit on one and the same school desk in classrooms;chose similar academic subjects;exchanged clothes and even shared similar interests in terms of past time hobbies;man;the real twins as you can hear or would have seen!! And so there we were one day making arguments as ...

Lingering childhood memories.

  POWER OF THE MIND. Stubborn realities. Everyone and everybody in this good life is having their own lifetime memories; and it does not matter what memories are they or all about actually; I mean they can sometimes be celebratory or haunting; but no matter what the case memories are bound to be the part and parcel of every living being liking it or not. At some stages as we as people and living creatures get on with our lives we would find ourselves being naturally reminded of things that had been;and being unable to cast that reminder behind our backs and pretend nothing is haunting and hurting us deep inside there; we would helplessly be kept tight under that spell rather!Sometimes old memories can serve as a source of courage to learn all about one's own weakness and strength in dealing with previous tricky situations while getting an opportunity to groom one's strength in dealing with current problems and challenges. But the most challenging thing about this good life is t...


  Different Experiences. One life Living in one life but living different lives. Everybody knows how precious  and sensitive this good life is with all manner of bad things taking place one after another;from people killing one another ;stealing from others and even raping or being abusive. Well that's how some people see this life and of course we can not ;and will never ever be the same all of us .But no matter what we do and how we do things it all come down to one point that this life is for real.I mean ;if you would like knowing how some of us see this life you  are most welcome to take a dive and ride here: Life experiences  and you will know after having patiently taken your time exploring with contents of such a source how this good life  appears to be for some. YOU MOST WELCOME ;AND ENJOY!!