Enemy to humanity.

Life is a reality that has been consistent and continuous from time to time for every creature to celebrate and cherish;nobody or nothing in this life knows when this same life was created or how and by whom;let alone assumptions and sometimes unproven beliefs about the source behind life itself.From long time ago stories were being fabricated about the creator of life itself;with some people establishing their cults and religions based on a particular set of principles about who the creator of the same life they are living is while on the other hand engraving some structures of their assumed creator of life or subjugating themselves to a particular living animal as their creator;or idolizing a particular living individual as their creator.Some had also been digging the grounds of the earth or going into the depths of deep waters or skies above as part of their attempts to discover the unknown.

However;despite all these attempts by humanity none of them had found anything whatsoever or anyone anywhere to come and truthfully declare them as that appropriate creator with sure confidence and realization.It is just the assumptions that are all over the place;no one knows who the creator of life is and as such,nobody saw the creator of life;rather still searching for that creator with the hope that one day maybe someone can bump on that creator somewhere even though not known exactly where and how or what that creator exactly look like.

Nobody knows whether that creator is a male;female or an animal.

Nevertheless;this same humanity that is still in search for that source of life is having some of those people claiming to have seen and know it all.Not something quite amazing though  considering the fact that everyone is still in the dark about how all these things that we see today have come to be and when.It is because of  such unproven assumptions of humanity that this same humanity itself is in a state of disarray today,since none is prepared to humble themselves and straight away make that concession that something is totally wrong;instead;everyone is contending against the other for superiority as part of their mission and attempt to consolidate their unproven assumptions and straight away have everyone forcefully  accommodated under their stereotyped ideologies.

As part of such stereotyped and unproven assumptions almost no human race is prepared to embrace the other with equal respect and acknowledgement that this life is one just as the source thereof,let alone point fingers one at the other in their destructive blaming games while stoking flames of hatred and excess.This is the kind of hatred that is not exclusive to racial identity;rather tribal and cultural orientation also,where one black man is not considering another with equal respect under stereotyped and useless pretext of tribal identity.No wonder then that the scourge of racial killings is having humanity under its spell much as does tribalism and xenophobia today;and unless components of humanity acquire the courage to acknowledge their wrongs and straight away see the other with similar eye sight then there shall be no peace in the existence of this same humanity;let alone racial spats together with tribalism and mounting xenophobia.

And the perfect recipe for hatred can only be that one!!   


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