Life achievements.
Now;life is an amazing reality filled with desires and wishes of us the people no matter who and what each of us may be.And it can not be denied that it is just about everybody who is determined to have their way and eventually achieve those goals of their desires and wishes.Whether one is a family man with a burden of parental responsibilities on their back;a lone lady in pursuit of a truly loving partner or just a single bachelor determined to reach for its life goals;that drive to reach for that subsequent success will always be there.
However;such goals and targets based on one's own desires and dreams are not to be achieved without too much of hard work and determination;they can never ever be achieved in the absence of that hard work surely.Here one will have to be prepared to sacrifice themselves and devote their focus on the success of their own missions;only if one is surely determined to realize that success.
That mission can mean the inclusion of anything whatsoever;be it a newly bought beautiful car;a luxurious mansion somewhere or even a simple pair of jean wear;and no matter how big or small the set goal might be or what sexual orientation the enthusiast may be of;hard work and determination will always be the cornerstone of its subsequent success.
Therefore;it is clear that no individual can be referred to as the rightful owner of any kind of property unless they have worked hard for it or received it from someone the legal way;no matter what gender of that particular owner or recipient.This is where most of us the people do get things wrong;and such erroneously destructive attitudes of ours in most cases;no matter what extent;do trouble and affect lifestyles of many modern day families.
It is here where one find themselves giving their children ill-informed advise and improper guidance on how to traverse the reality that this good life is;with the resultant consequence being none other than spent future for most children.At times it is somehow useless for most of the blame to be cast to innocent victims of such unwelcome and somewhat unfortunate guidelines;at least those behind.
It can never be argued however on one side that it is just about everyone with a right to make choices on how to traverse life and deal with subsequent issues that matters most,but what when such a right is being misused and choices made proven to be obsolete and totally destructive?
It is because of such an abuse of those naturally given rights that the supposedly brighter future of most children today is in a total disarray;with some parents being supportive of such destructiveness in most cases;by protecting and defending their wrongful children.Well;it can not be denied that one's child is one's pearl of one's eye;but what when that same pearl is demonstrative of acquired lost ideological stereotypes?Be left that way;if not defended or supported;and straight away rush into a future of destruction?
It is true on one hand that it is just about everyone who is in pursuit of a well-maintained and healthy-looking lifestyle;of which is not wrong after all;but how that well-maintained and healthy-looking lifestyle that is somehow envious is acquired is of great importance;and herein lies the shame of most of us the easily tempted creatures that humans are.
In this type of weakness;among others;some of us as parents are encouraging our children to run after old men;for young little girls;looking after all things envious and seductive as part of our attempt to achieve such luxurious and classic-looking lifestyle;no matter how dangerous and destructive that attempt might become subsequently;with little boys encouraged to participate in all wicked activities of crime and theft;if not drug peddling;still as our quest for classic living.
Whatever happened to hard work and sanity after all?Will that property shift from being the rightful owner's and become the little girl's after sleeping with them;or will the standards of sanity prevail when one is crying bitterly after realizing how savagely their property had been messed up with by a particular intruder?
That will never be the case surely only if true and sane standards of humanity are to be upheld and maintained;now that the natural rightful owner of property will always be the one who had worked hard for it unless transferred to them the legal way without any element of criminality and theft involved.
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