Most recently;I have been talking and making arguments with my young uncle about the current state of affairs while making comparisons between previous times and modern ones; in relation to how we as old school personalities differ from these modern day characters.Mind you that my uncle is of my age;I mean his older brother has since passed away;he used to be our pillar of strength before passing in relation to provision of proper and informational guidance;man;he used to act as a fatherly figure to me and his younger brother;we really missed him a lot!!
Back to my young uncle's case;back then at school we were mistakenly called twins by the less informed given our tendency to always be together;sit on one and the same school desk in classrooms;chose similar academic subjects;exchanged clothes and even shared similar interests in terms of past time hobbies;man;the real twins as you can hear or would have seen!!
And so there we were one day making arguments as it has always been the case in our lives;the source of the argument was none other than the lifestyle of modern children;their habits and attitudes to be exact.I mean:I and my young uncle used to take care of our siblings when older parents were not around for supervision;we would make sure that everyone is well dressed and fed up without even having to be discriminate of any;and of course;the elderly always expected that to come out of us;hence their eventual compliments after realizing what we had done in their absence.But don't forget that I am not trying to see myself as the perfect person in terms of the life lived before;I mean I also used to be silly here and there together with my young uncle;got beaten so bad here and there by our angered parents and learnt a lot out of our mistakes in terms of what make our parents angry and happy.
That is natural life after all!!
Fast forward into modern times things are more different from what they used to be;man;extremely different.Here one come across children with the rights to almost anything ranging from respect down to disrespect and stubbornness;with most of them getting wasted away as a result of this same right.I mean;it is true that every person regardless of age;gender;race or color is entitled to this life;but what about goodness and meaningful living then?Who is to guide and be guided;and above all;who is having more life experience between a child and their parents?
Are not the parents the leaders of society whose proper advises their children should heed and respect.Or are they not;these same parents;the ones their troubled children would seek help from every time life difficulties and challenges show themselves up?
And if these same children see themselves as children only in times of difficulties and adults in times of happiness where is that perfection and meaningful living in them then?
No one is perfect and just in this good life but that does not mean that goodness and perfection is not here to be sought after;no matter what age;gender;race or color since life itself is built on perfection and goodness.Well let me just cut off this topic right here while preparing for the next coming time.



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