The right to life!

It cannot be argued in this good life that every creature is naturally blessed with that right to life no matter what creature that may be;whether is a flying bird in the sky above;a swimming fish in deep waters or just a domesticated and tamed pet mingling freely with the people;that right they do have!This is the right that do also apply to humans;the very same source of all these troubles;no matter what race;color;class or socioeconomic status.I mean;it does not matter whether one is black or white or how well-off or disadvantaged one may be;that entitlement to life was preserved for them the very same time they were delivered into this life of visibility away from life of the invisible.

However;this is the right that does not come without limits and restrictions no matter who and what one is;whether one is a parent;a child or a simple friend living in a friendly neighborhood around;that limit and restriction is binding them to its compulsions liking it or not;talkative or not and bossy or not.On one hand such restrictions and compulsions of this life are not a simple reality for some of us to live by and follow;rather a challenging matter to see us stumbling and getting erratic in our lives and subsequently giving up the need to be perfect while opting for life of the wrongful.

It does not matter who or what one is or where one may be found;that fundamental need will always be there;that perfection is key and base for good and naturally justified true living.But then;all these things can not be realized in the absence of respect for one another;and that is where comes the ultimate challenge and main obstacle for most of us as living creatures.Here we would find ourselves calling each other names in most cases;only when overpowered by our weaknesses;or stoking condemnations and infighting attitudes when failing to acknowledge our incompetence because of our arrogant pride and determination to get things our own way no matter how wrongful.

It is here wherein lies a breakdown of most communities in modern societies;the lack of respect for one another;and such a breakdown;as destructively problematic and endemic as it is;is having its origins embedded in lifestyles of most families;and above all;supported and defended by the so called democratic rights.Here we see young children speaking as they would like with their parents;taking law into their hands;pushing everyone below themselves while putting themselves above everybody;and as they are determined to get away with their wrongful deeds no one can do anything to stop them;not at all;now that they  know that power is in their hands to do that;this so called democratic right.

After all;it is just about every living creature with that right to life;but what when that particular creature is heading into the wrong side of this good life as a result of its ill-informed belief and mentality that what it is doing is right and as such defiant against those with well-informed experience about this good life?

This is a serious problem troubling most children today;that democratic right;and in its name children has become teachers themselves at schools and teachers became students;and as for most families it is a complete mess since the very same children terrorize their own parents;lawless and disrespectful as they are their parents are left with nothing to stop them;democratic right is their ultimate weapon;they are wielding it and in the process school girls has become pregnant mothers-to-be and boys drunkards if not drug dealers.



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