

GIVEN POWERS. When nature has favored the impulses. Now, the impulses of the physical universe have received natural endowments much higher in value than the physical structure itself, such are the gifts that are powerful than the capacities of the physical structure. They can grab the physical frame with but one hand such impulses, drag it throughout the surfaces of the physical universe and then cast it wherever they may be wishing to do so, without anything remaining for the same structure to help escape the powerful spell conjured and generated by the same impulses. They can rule the physical universe. The physical structure will always remain beholden to them without any sign of reprieve, one generation after the other, they will remain owing these same impulses something else, that is the reason such impulses would keep pursuing them wherever they go. They are not free from them, instead, they are the captives of these same impulses. The reluctance of components of these same liv...


THE CLEARANCE OF THINGS. When knowledge reveals everything. Now, the generosity of life can come in diverse ways and methods, same applies to the miracles with which this same life would visit the physical universe. It will always depend how each individual living organism does perceive the manner in which this same life presents its own works, now that the desires of each living being will always be distinctive in form, same applies to the level of understanding existent within each individual organism, now that as this one mind of this one organism is of a certain level then another one of the other being will be of yet another form. It just depends how far this life would have thrown the available natural endowments to the concerned organisms. Such endowments will always be distinctive to each other because of the behavioral characteristics of each individual organism, now that in this life everything that is being thrown out to the existing living organisms is always based on a cer...


THE POWER OF PURITY When strength has been giv en to the pure. Life has always been generous and merciful in its nature, and it is true that it has also been rough and though against its own subjects here and there. Reasons for all its own treatment towards its subjects has always been there, whether under circumstances of mercy or punishment, that reason has always been there. The behaviours of the same subjects has also been distinctive to each other from time to time and then being provocative against life at times, for this one subject would tend to behave itself this way in this time and the other another way in  other times, and as they tended to behave themselves that way certain consequences were being provoked as a result. The distinctiveness of such behaviors always lay in the nature with which the same subjects presented themselves as far as the individual activity of each subject is concerned, for this one subject would commit itself to a certain activity of a certain c...


THE GIVEN RIGHT. When the physical structure is having limited rights. Now, the performances of the physical structure have always been of a limited nature, compressed into one place and restricted to one side of the physical life. The barriers of the normal standards of living has also been limited naturally, compelling the physical structure to always calculate the amount of lifestyles it is usually committing itself to , so that out of the very same calculations to have ever been made, then knowledge can come about the nature of each lifestyle adopted, now that through the acquired knowledge understanding can come about the existing distance between the adopted lifestyle and the recommended natural standards of living, whether that lifestyle is more closer to those recommendations or extremely strange and abnormal from them. And it is a total impossibility that that knowledge would not reach the concerned physical structure, same applies to understanding. Life itself is presenting ...


FLUSHED OUT. When bad blood has been driven out. The problems reaching the life of the physical structure itself has been innumerable so far ever since the formation of the physical universe itself. They have been challenging and being troublesome to this same physical structure itself, dragging it to the extremes of life this one time and this way then another way in the other time. The physical structure had been yearning for happiness and peace as all these things were being sent down to it by this same life on its own. Reasons for all those things of a punishing nature has always been there, now that in this life there is nothing that happens in the absence of a certain reason. Sources of all such things of shame and trauma has always been there, with their single responsibility being that of ensuring the physical structure itself that moment of difficulties and hardships, no wonder then that certain measures of conduct and performance would have been undertaken by these same sourc...


TEMPTED TO GO WRONG. When the physical structure was lured into circumvention. Temptations visiting the physical universe, just as the problems and troubles posed by them, are quite innumerable, punishing and trying, they have been challenging and troubling the physical structure ever since the formation of the physical universe itself. Just as the same problems and troubles coming with the reality called life, they have been ensuring the troubled physical structure sheer confusion and frustration, making sure that desperation is leading the life of the troubled physical structure. The physical structure on the other hand had no choice but to observe as the ravaging realities swung it from side to side of its own life. Such a choice never existed only under certain circumstances, for under other different circumstances such a choice really existed. It had to be found, utilized, and then await the benefits coming with the utilization thereof. Reasons leading to the arrival of such tempt...


THE HEAVINESS. When the physical structure is challeng ed big time. The physical structure itself has always been having certain limits on this life that restricted it into a certain limited sphere of living, compelling it to perform this one activity at a certain stage of life while disallowing it against yet another type of a specific activity. But then, despite the nature of the same existing restrictions there has always been certain activities to have ever been committed by this same physical structure as part of its own commitment towards the life of contempt and rebellion. It has always been because of the very same contemptuous life of its own that the anger of this same life was provoked from time to time. This is the anger and wrath that always ensured that this same physical structure does get what it deserves and such all such benefits has always been based upon certain reasons that are completely inflexible. This is the kind of inflexibility that has always ensured that th...