
Showing posts from July, 2021


GIVEN LIFE Life is a natural gift and reality given alongside tremendous opportunities in place,such are opportunities every living organism is having that right to take advantage of irrespective of racial identity,social status,gender,age group or any tribal orientation,they are just here for any organism to make use of surely.But then it depends to w hat advantage each organism do take such given opportunities;whether to a happy and celebratory ending or regrettable and totally embarrassing eventuality. As we do struggle to make use of these given and gifted opportunities to our best advantage as living organisms in this given life;we do find ourselves faced with the reality of having to mind for our own children;groom them up and straight away prepare them for the future time;and this is where our real standing point in this given life and level of understanding about this same given life will be demonstrated and observed;since what our children's future becomes relies heavily o...


  PERCEPTIONS. From where I am standing now no one knows what goes on in my mind nor what perceptions of my heart are;neither does anyone knows what my plans about the next step to take are nor my wishes in this life.It is my own secret and as such more of a personal matter;I can just keep that secret to myself or find a close or distant confidant of any kind whatsoever in terms of sexual orientation.It is how I myself as a natural creature had been created and as such am not immune to any natural and physical practice;and obviously that is how every living creature has been created and behave. One life different creatures. Since we as natural creatures had been created with the natural tools in the form of the heart and mind we do have our different ways to utilize them;but no matter what different methods with which we;as living creatures;do utilize these given natural tools it all come down to one and main fact;that the universe wherein we are all living is one just as much as t...


  THE HEART AND MIND. We creatures of the universe have been created in a certain amazing form and manner by the magical powers of life itself;we just don't know how all these things  that have come to be integral part of our lives came to be or created;we never know who made them to become such an important and essential commodity without which our lives are doomed;neither do we know how can we come into contact with the source behind this reality called life so as to see how that source do look like;if ever visible;or hear how it talks like if ever capable of;and worse off;we don't even know where that particular source behind this magical reality called life is located;if ever present;we just keep guessing and guessing from time to time while wishing deep inside there that we had been blessed with that knowledge and understanding about all these things. It is our dream as living creatures to come into contact with the source behind this magical reality called life.   D...


  SPENT FUTURE. Life is a reality that requires respect and obedience;and it does not matter who or what one is or their racial orientation and tribal affiliation;life will always bind them all to its natural compulsions liking it or not.And it does not mind again this life about one's sexual orientation or age group nor any social status;it would just execute its compulsory tasks and duties irrespective of them all.This is life;it is existing and is for real. It does not care who is who and who is not who this life;it would just carry out its own natural tasks and duties!! As natural living beings under the supervision and bounds of this good life we find ourselves bound to live our lives in accordance with the necessities and compulsions thereof;failing which the eventual consequences will always be regretful and unwelcome no matter after how long and where ever we may be found;such has always been the dynamics of this good life and no one is above them;neither had anyone been ab...


  NEW LIFE AND NEW TIMES. It cannot be denied and argued that in this phenomenon called life things do change from time to time as destiny and fate do get their wheels turning on.In this process of growth and development effected by powers of destiny and fate life see young children becoming future adults with tough responsibilities to carry out and fulfill;and as the compulsory responsibilities multiplies so does weariness and desperation in most of living individuals as they feel somewhat over burdened and thus unable to cope and deal with matters at hand. Most elders of society in the form of grandmas and grandpas finds themselves stunned by the arrival of times never seen before;with such new times compelling them to adopt to new heights of a contemporary lifestyle;all that out of no choice honestly speaking.Unfortunately in most cases as the new historical period come kicking in most things of the past do get brushed aside by contemporary human identities so as to give way for...


DISASTROUS LIVING. Life is  a precious gift requiring respect and honesty failing which the consequences might not be that pleasant or appeasing at all.No one in this good life is perfect though;however; that does not mean no perfection should be sought after and attempted;for where perfection is there is also happiness and where happiness is good living prevail. Respect for life is demonstrated in different ways since  this life is a composition of different groups of  living beings;ranging from the young and inexperienced to the elderly and more experienced.This is the kind of a demonstration that involve issues of disrespect also;where one living being would be understood through the commitments it is capable of  no matter what age group or sexual orientation,for  truly speaking it is totally impossible for everyone to be naturally blessed with all the knowledge and understanding for everything no matter what age or sexual orientation and race. It is because ...