It cannot be denied and argued that in this phenomenon called life things do change from time to time as destiny and fate do get their wheels turning on.In this process of growth and development effected by powers of destiny and fate life see young children becoming future adults with tough responsibilities to carry out and fulfill;and as the compulsory responsibilities multiplies so does weariness and desperation in most of living individuals as they feel somewhat over burdened and thus unable to cope and deal with matters at hand.
Most elders of society in the form of grandmas and grandpas finds themselves stunned by the arrival of times never seen before;with such new times compelling them to adopt to new heights of a contemporary lifestyle;all that out of no choice honestly speaking.Unfortunately in most cases as the new historical period come kicking in most things of the past do get brushed aside by contemporary human identities so as to give way for a new historical period and all its compulsions;however;we as contemporary individuals tend to put certain wrongful things above everything in our quest for new beginnings given our ignorance of the inflexibility of certain life compulsions.
Certain fundamental things in this life are inflexible!!
We the people of modern times;as members of this modern generation in these new times;we are exposed to such compulsions of the very same new times but that exposure does not automatically translate to our indemnity from compulsory principles of good and responsible true living;we cannot just take every possibility and place it at the front door of money without having firstly explored with all existing channels in our quest for perfection and justified living.However;it cannot be denied on the other hand that in modern times money plays a central role when coming to all things materialistic;but that powerful role assumed by money in this modern times does not have to wipe away our conscience and realization that we should inevitably assume our true responsibilities as human beings bound to respect the other with equal measure we won't feel unacceptable were it to be returned to us irrespective of race;class and color.
Money has claimed the mental capacity of modern generation the world over!!
As we venture into our daily tasks as parents we find ourselves faced with challenging domestic matters stunning our conscience while struggling to get our financial achievements attained;and in most cases we tend to fail to play our compulsory and justified roles in realizing our intended financial goals;we would rather tend to be erratic and wrongful in our decisions given the weakness effected in our conscience by our tendency to place money above everything.It is therefore clear that there is nothing wrong involved with money itself;rather something wrong with those that put money above everything.
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