Life is a precious gift requiring respect and honesty failing which the consequences might not be that pleasant or appeasing at all.No one in this good life is perfect though;however; that does not mean no perfection should be sought after and attempted;for where perfection is there is also happiness and where happiness is good living prevail.
Respect for life is demonstrated in different ways since this life is a composition of different groups of living beings;ranging from the young and inexperienced to the elderly and more experienced.This is the kind of a demonstration that involve issues of disrespect also;where one living being would be understood through the commitments it is capable of no matter what age group or sexual orientation,for truly speaking it is totally impossible for everyone to be naturally blessed with all the knowledge and understanding for everything no matter what age or sexual orientation and race.
It is because of our failure to respect this life as living beings;that the anger and eventual wrath of this good life provoked through such wrongful commitments end up being frustrating to us.We tend to wonder how and why things ended up in a particular way without searching for the real truth behind that particular provocation while rushing to our wrongful inferences as a result of our pride and arrogance coupled with shame to accept that we are being wrongful in our lifestyles.
This is the kind of a problem that is not exclusive to a particular age group or sexual orientation nor racial identity;it involves all of us as natural living beings;and for that perfection to find a place in our lives such provocative attitudes of negative and disastrous living should be kicked out with a dart and principles of good natural living welcomed with an open and honest heart,and only by then the anger and wrath of this good life can be a thing of times gone by in our lives.
Life requires respect and acknowledgement for compliance.
As we get on with this same life as parents we tend to mislead our children in many instances by failing to provide them with proper advise and guidance;thus betraying their future and leave them in the hands of exploitative abusers who end up taking advantage of our negligence and ignorance.But it can not be denied however that on one hand some of these same children of ours tend to be contemptuous in one way or another no matter what attempts of ours to try and help groom their character for a brighter and decent future;and this is also where the enemy in the form of exploitative drug lords and human traffickers find yet another opportunity to help destroy the future of the less experienced and stubborn generation of youth.
Societal danger and destruction lies in our failure to respect fundamental principles of natural living!!
As simple and easy life may seem in the eye of the stubborn generation of youth as it held tight on its contemptuous attitudes while protected by destructive and misleading democratic rights;we as parents in most cases find ourselves having nothing at our disposal to discipline and convince our straying children that what they are doing is totally destructive and provocative of future regrets.We would;in most cases;observe as lives of our beloved children do get wasted away in the hands of evil and wicked drug lords through addiction while most of our young daughters become a property of prowling human traffickers and prostitution masters,and the eventual result of all these is nothing beside a broken social life and society.
Unless we as living beings seek to treat and accept this life with the necessary respect we are supposed to; no amount of tears and sacrifices will save us from the wrath of this natural life when unleashed because of our provocative attitudes and commitments;we will keep wondering what went wrong while being hateful to one another in the process as a result of our failure to acknowledge our weaknesses and straight away give up our arrogant pride that is provocative of relentless and unbearable wrath.
The recipe for natural disaster lies in our failure to respect this natural life!!
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