Life is a natural gift and reality given alongside tremendous opportunities in place,such are opportunities every living organism is having that right to take advantage of irrespective of racial identity,social status,gender,age group or any tribal orientation,they are just here for any organism to make use of surely.But then it depends to what advantage each organism do take such given opportunities;whether to a happy and celebratory ending or regrettable and totally embarrassing eventuality.
As we do struggle to make use of these given and gifted opportunities to our best advantage as living organisms in this given life;we do find ourselves faced with the reality of having to mind for our own children;groom them up and straight away prepare them for the future time;and this is where our real standing point in this given life and level of understanding about this same given life will be demonstrated and observed;since what our children's future becomes relies heavily on what they do get from us as their source of guidance and domestic leadership.
It depend on the other hand though how serious do our children take the given guidance and domestic leadership serious;the same way as what kind of guidance and leadership they do get from us as their domestic leaders and mentors;for truly speaking it is impossible for a child to become what they didn't get or haven't learnt of from their parents unless by the influence of another external agent.
This is where lies the most critical part and point in our lives as living organisms;for out of every deed we do undertake and commit ourselves into the state of our society do get shaped into a particular form;and out of that form lies the future of our society as well and obviously the future generation will be influenced by the societal state they are exposed to.
Life itself is not a simple reality where any living organism can just get away with anything and expect no eventual consequence based on their initial commitment; and that's where most of us as living organisms do get things wrong given our tendency to always expect all the good to come to us even when we are doing what is not good while expecting all that is bad to go to someone else even when they have done nothing wrong;that has always been our weakness as natural living organisms;and automatically this is the kind of weakness our children do receive from us;same as we would have received it from those before us.Then the state of our society?
Given the weakness inherited from us most of our children in modern times are of this tendency to always look for a scapegoat every time an eventual consequence based on their initial commitment start showing itself;they would start pointing fingers on their parents for their disastrous endings while hiding the real truth behind them;just the kind of inherited denial attitude after all where one would seek to blame another for their faults and exonerate themselves for nothing good done.
Most of modern day youth does not take this given life and opportunities coming with it serious;theirs is nothing beside the squandering of existing resources while taking us their parents for granted;only to come and blame their parents afterwards when the benefit of their ill discipline starts showing up.
It can not be denied however that it is every child's right to be taken care of;but same applies to every child's burden to be obedient;for out of disobedience lies contempt;and out of contempt lies lawlessness alongside ill discipline;and the final consequence will always be none other than a dysfunctional domestic unit out of which lies a great societal break up.
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