Amazing life!!
Life is an amazing phenomenon and gift given to every creature by mother nature to cherish and enjoy;and therefore; no one was created to be above another irrespective of class; color;culture ; or even age and gender; it is just a matter of helping; loving and caring that is more important than anything else rather.But on one hand this same life is based upon things of respect for each other; for where love is there is also respect; caring and helping.Similarly; this same respect knows no boundaries of race;class;color;culture;age or gender;not at all; it is rather a fundamental religion;this respect;by which every creature is bound no matter how physically strong or weak that same creature might be.
Naturally;given the laws and rules upon which this same life is based;all those things of love;caring and respect does not come across easily like tucking in a delicious meal;no;not at all; rather through determination; courage; and above all;believing in what life is all about.Whether one is a family man with family commitments to conduct;or a family woman with domestic responsibilities to fulfill; or just a little inexperienced child with simple and minor tasks to carry out; the rules of this same respect applies .to them all and around those rules they do all rotate.
This same respect alongside all its aspects and components is not based on simple things of telling one how much you love and care for them from time to time;nor having to buy one this or that on a daily basis;neither about having to always smile at one unnecessarily;rather on deeper things of truthfulness where that loving;caring and respect would be characterized by the knowledge about where in your heart you have placed someone and what in your mind you're thinking of the other.
And that truthful respect;loving and caring will always be there even when one unto whom they are dedicated is not around!!
Whether one is in a romantic relationship with someone that true respect will still be of paramount importance so much so that things initially agreed upon are not circumvented even when one party is not around; only in the interest of a well fulfilled life of completeness and amazing goodness;for where good living is there shall true respect be also ;and where perfect respect is there shall happiness be also!!
But given the amazing aspect and nature of this good life it is just about everyone and everybody who has the right to make choices;whether they choose what is right for them and close to their hearts;or they just make such choices so as to impress someone or to the expectation of the other;that right will always be there and that is how this good life is.
On the other hand ;and still as part of processes of this good and amazing life; any given choice and undertaking is not without an eventual consequence and benefit;whether the protagonist likes it or not; and as such what this good life finds that particular protagonist worthy of unto them it will give;good or bad!!
Whether one choose to embrace this good life with goodness or stand against the compulsions of good living;that will still be their choice;and what this good life finds that particular protagonist worthy of will still be up to it;and when the time has eventually come for that subsequent benefit and suitable consequence nobody will succeed in turning the wave of the tide; no matter how hard that particular individual may try.
That is how this good amazing life is!!
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