When the physic is being called over.

Now, life itself is full of challenges and troubles, the challenges and troubles that would always prompt for a certain reaction emanating from the sufferer themselves, they are natural such challenges and troubles and therefore, bound to happen. But then, there must be a certain reason this life would have decided in the first place to give these same challenges and troubles that right to exist, now that in this life there is nothing that happens just for the sake of happening, rather in correspondence with certain prevailing realities. Goodness, for a certain reason, would also be existent as such challenges and troubles are keeping on making their presence felt. Its mission, just like such challenges and troubles, would be but only one, to find a prospective target and then rule in their lives. Those thirsty for that truth would be existent right in the depths of this same good life, wishing that someday in their lives this same good life might have mercy on them and have all revealed to them, much as it is that the agents of such an impulse of evilness would be wishing that this same good  life do them that great favor by letting the prevailing status quo of brutality remain the same, so that this same good life might seem unfair in the eyes of the sufferer and precious in the eyes of the wicked agents. As the course of this same life proceeds, with none of the existing living organisms knowing anything about what this good life is having in store for them, no matter what prevailing wishes emanating from the concerned organisms that this same life would have been traversing in a certain orientation and pace, certain realities, sent down by this same life for various reasons, would be cherishing the right and power given to them by this same life on its own. The impulse of evilness would be strongly operational, doing all it can as part of its own mission to conquer the entirety of the physical universe, impose its own will thereon and have all the goodness of life absorbed into its wicked missions, rendering the physical universe completely desolate and polluted. But then, the goodness of life itself would also be existent in the face of all these, awaiting the arrival of a moment wherein its capacities are in huge demand, appearing as if none of that kind of reality is truly existent, rendering the sufferer confused and frustrated, now that they would be wondering what the underlying aim of this life about them is, just as the bitterness and pain keeps mounting on without any apparent sign of cessation. Their attempts to try their luck on the elusive goodness would have been exerted at times in their lives, only to be shown by this life that there is nothing that comes around without prior arduous work and cumbersome efforts. Calling them to the ends of goodness and perfection this life would tend to do, thus putting pressure on the wickedness of the evil impulse while showing the sufferer themselves all about what is right and wrong, so that when a certain state of affairs is given chance by this life to be dominant the sufferer themselves cannot feel blasphemous against this life, rather feel compelled and free to proclaim that the time for all such prevailing realities has come, that life is the determiner of everything whereas concession is key. And to the suitable life the sufferer themselves would be led, only because of things that had been contracted through the activeness of the suffer themselves.



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