When we are being reluctant to admit our situation.

Life itself is for real, it is not a playground where one thing can just be replaced with another for as long as the player may so wish, neither is it a gambling spot where one set of rules can just be changed at any given time for as long as the main gambler themselves may so wish, it is rather a reality where certain facts are impossible to bend and bypass, a reality wherein perfection can never come until the protagonist themselves has taken that act of perfection, unless when deception is the main dominant culture within the situation itself, then ,lies can be given that chance to flourish. But, the most dangerous part of this same life itself lies in the fact that, even though one erroneous activity may forcefully be given that chance to flourish it will be for a certain extent, and when all has been fulfilled then the real fundamental truth will eventually come to the fore, and then the end of deception and sophistication will come, lies exposed and truth be found.
The deceiver and the liar themselves would not be happy with the state of affairs as it keeps unfolding on, now that life would be instilling that understanding in them about matters at hand, that the things of seeming success in that pervert activity of theirs were to last but for a little while, much as it is that the destruction that they had been obsessed with and harboring was given but a specific limit to appear original, and then afterwards the pervertness thereof be exposed. As the result of the determination to see things going the preferred path, hatred and jealousy would then become central in every activity undertaken  by the culprit themselves, thus compelling them to become murderous every  time the state of affairs seems to be against their missions, they would have been reluctant to admit their erroneous character and personality, ashamed to revise their own lives and make a turnaround for the better, rather committed to see every aspect of life influenced by their deepening pervertness. As usual, the victims of such brutal activities would be available, suffering from the effect of the brutality thereof, and as they would have been wishing that the end to their bitter experiences do hasten to their rescue, the culprit themselves would be wishing to see the permanence of the prevailing status quo. Hatred would then  become the foundation of all  the brutal activities, and as it gradually matures in the heart and mind of  the culprit themselves it would then have the way paved for jealousy as the reluctance to admit the erratic way of life  consolidates the adopted cult, whereas the consolidation thereof would then mean more hatred, jealousy and eventually, more killing and bloodshed. And then life itself would seem to be bitter and unacceptable.


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