
Showing posts from June, 2022


STANDING AGAINST THE GOOD. When the evil set out against the good. The life that we are all living is full of different realities, it is just how it has been arranged naturally, and therefore, we as the subjects thereof does not have any power to have the already existing arrangements rearranged, ours is to obey, follow and then observe. Any kind of reality that would have already been given naturally could not be returned for another, unless what had been done in the first place to pave the way for the prevailing reality is given up for another activity and thus pave the way for the new reality, and the more we commit similar activity will be the more the prevailing status quo remains. Divisions in this same life will always be there, for as long as there is more than one living organisms that has been given that natural right to enjoy life therefore, differences in beliefs and thinking will also be present, now that what one living organism believes in and think about is not always w...


THE CURSE OF ILL PROGRESS. When we are being sent backwards again. The challenges of life are coming in diverse ways and methods, sometimes they can be daunting and in other times easy to deal with, it will just depend how one is prepared to accept this life just as it is. But despite one's own situation, whether they do find it appeasing or distasteful, this life would not stop churning out its own miracles each after the other, rather keep unleashing this one event here in this time and another event there in another different time, nothing would stop it from performing its own tasks surely. As it keeps churning out its own miracles that way, with this one day coming in and another one passing by, the lives of the receivers of that life would not be standing in one place, neither would their activities remain the same one day after the other, not at all, rather different in nature, for this today this one activity would be conducted by this one receiver of life and another day th...


OUR ACTIONS When what we do is not right. As part and members of the living organisms of the physical universe, we human 00 have also been capacitated with the ability to perform one activity after the other. Such are activities that are naturally based on the desires of our own hearts, even though at times we might find ourselves compelled to act against such desires of ours. Certain circumstances would at times force us to contradict our own desires and intentions, and as such circumstances keeps applying their leverage in our lives, we would then find ourselves finally doing what is completely harmful to our lives. The consequences of that unintentional deed would be awaiting us as we are being active and operational around, waiting for that final moment to come wherein this life would hand down that right to that moment, and after all had been fulfilled, then we would find ourselves submerged in the thickness of things we would have contracted through our initial activities. Life w...


  DANGERS OF LIFE. When the physic is being called over. Now, life itself is full of challenges and troubles, the challenges and troubles that would always prompt for a certain reaction emanating from the sufferer themselves, they are natural such challenges and troubles and therefore, bound to happen. But then, there must be a certain reason this life would have decided in the first place to give these same challenges and troubles that right to exist, now that in this life there is nothing that happens just for the sake of happening, rather in correspondence with certain prevailing realities. Goodness, for a certain reason, would also be existent as such challenges and troubles are keeping on making their presence felt. Its mission, just like such challenges and troubles, would be but only one, to find a prospective target and then rule in their lives. Those thirsty for that truth would be existent right in the depths of this same good life, wishing that someday in their lives thi...


HATRED, JEALOUSY AND KILLING. When we are being reluctant to admit our situation. Life itself is for real, it is not a playground where one thing can just be replaced with another for as long as the player may so wish, neither is it a gambling spot where one set of rules can just be changed at any given time for as long as the main gambler themselves may so wish, it is rather a reality where certain facts are impossible to bend and bypass, a reality wherein perfection can never come until the protagonist themselves has taken that act of perfection, unless when deception is the main dominant culture within the situation itself, then ,lies can be given that chance to flourish. But, the most dangerous part of this same life itself lies in the fact that, even though one erroneous activity may forcefully be given that chance to flourish it will be for a certain extent, and when all has been fulfilled then the real fundamental truth will eventually come to the fore, and then the end of decep...