STANDING AGAINST THE GOOD. When the evil set out against the good. The life that we are all living is full of different realities, it is just how it has been arranged naturally, and therefore, we as the subjects thereof does not have any power to have the already existing arrangements rearranged, ours is to obey, follow and then observe. Any kind of reality that would have already been given naturally could not be returned for another, unless what had been done in the first place to pave the way for the prevailing reality is given up for another activity and thus pave the way for the new reality, and the more we commit similar activity will be the more the prevailing status quo remains. Divisions in this same life will always be there, for as long as there is more than one living organisms that has been given that natural right to enjoy life therefore, differences in beliefs and thinking will also be present, now that what one living organism believes in and think about is not always w...