Amazing life!!

Life of goodness!! Life is an amazing phenomenon and gift given to every creature by mother nature to cherish and enjoy;and therefore; no one was created to be above another irrespective of class; color;culture ; or even age and gender; it is just a matter of helping; loving and caring that is more important than anything else rather.But on one hand this same life is based upon things of respect for each other; for where love is there is also respect; caring and helping.Similarly; this same respect knows no boundaries of race;class;color;culture;age or gender;not at all; it is rather a fundamental religion;this respect;by which every creature is bound no matter how physically strong or weak that same creature might be. Naturally;given the laws and rules upon which this same life is based;all those things of love;caring and respect does not come across easily like tucking in a delicious meal;no; not at all; rather through determination; courage; and ab...